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Worst gift:
My mother in law gave me an apron for the holidays.  Last year she gave me a handkerchief (you know the kind people used to keep in their pocket for blowing their nose/wiping tears away).

My mother can top me.  Her mother-in-law gave her 9 yards of fabric one year for Christmas!
        signed - Daughter-in-law On Her Last Nerve.

Worst gift:
On the day of my college graduation, which was one week before our wedding, my MIL made a huge ceremony out of giving me a strand of pearls.  Being young and foolish, I decided I hated them.  But, I realized that they were an expensive gift.  After the wedding, my H and I rented a safe deposit box and stored them away on the theory that "maybe someday" I would want to wear them.  Well, that someday finally arrived.  My husband cautioned that we needed to have them appraised and insured before I started wearing them.  I picked the pearls up at the bank, took them to a local jeweler and asked for an appraisal.  The man laughed and told me that the pearls were worth about $10.  My husband, upon hearing the story, decided that his mother had been cheated and called her to warn her about the pearls.  She had the last laugh -- she had paid $6.95 for the pearls at a street vendor in New York!  Welcome to the family!
        signed - Resigned After 30 Years

RESPONSE:  Resigned After 30 Years
That is an awesome story -- you gave me a great laugh -- I guess the lesson is to get the appraisal out of the way first!!  What a winner!
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Professional Success in the 1990'S

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