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Worst gift:
This past Christmas, my mother-in-law gave me a box of brownie mix and an apron.  "My son loves brownies," she said.  When we were driving home, I asked him if he wanted me to make those for him.  He said, "I don't even like brownies!"
        signed - Fed Up With Brownies

RESPONSE:  Fed Up With Brownies
Aah yes, the old "I know my son better than you do" game.  My MIL and her mother BOTH do this to me.  "Oh, he has always liked this or that ..."  Yeah he did - when he was four!  Ok ... whatever.  I'm married to him, and I know more about him than any of you EVER will, so just shut up.  I hate when they do that.  My MIL bought him a kids "chocolate" cereal a few moths ago because, "It is his favorite".  Yeah, ok Ma ... um, no it isn't, and if you were listening to me when I was telling you what I learned about the kidney problem that he has, you would have heard me say the excessive sugar (like in those cereals) is BAD for him, and we don't buy that stuff in OUR home!  If you want to buy him his favorite cereal, them buy him a healthy one (brand X), because that is what he likes, and that is what he eats every day.  But I know that if I dare to state that I truly do know him better than she does ... ooh trouble ...
Worst gift:
My MIL bought me cotton pajamas, where the butt part unbuttoned, for a bridal shower gift.  I was so embarrassed when I opened the gift, and everyone was looking at me.  She just proved to everyone in the room how she felt about me.  Aren't you supposed to buy lingerie and that type of stuff as a bridal shower gift.
        signed - Butt Part Unbuttoned

RESPONSE:  Butt Part Unbuttoned
Maybe if your MIL is kind to you and seems to like you, except for this, you wouldn't have to assume she meant it in a bad way.  I don't think that everyone gives lingerie at wedding showers (some of THAT stuff can be embarrassing!).  But, if you sense that she's hostile towards you, maybe your feelings are well justified.  I can imagine my own mother getting someone a gift like this (trying sincerely to be nice), and thinking that someone would like cozy pajamas.
RESPONSE:  Butt Part Unbuttoned
The way it was explained to me, is that there was a theme set for the shower - and your gift was supposed to comply with this theme.  I had a lingerie shower thrown for me by my female office coworkers.  Got lots of nifty stuff at that one.  I had a "general purpose house stuff" thrown by my grandmother, at which I got some of the most hideous things I've ever seen, although I also got good things, some of which I still consider good things - 17 years later!  If I had gotten the drop-seat pj's at the shower thrown by my grandmother, it would have been a stupid notion.  If I'd gotten them at the office shower - it would have been a prank, and I would have laughed at it as such.  Some of the stuff at THAT shower came from a top name lingerie store, and I have NEVER worn them, although they were fun to model for my DH - once.  I don't know you, of course, nor your MIL - but it sounds as though she was clueless at your shower, which probably embarrassed her a bit at the time, let alone what the gift did for you.
RESPONSE:  Butt Part Unbuttoned
Purchase some equally raunchy lingerie as a gift for her birthday, Mother's Day, or Christmas.  Place a discreet note or card in the box which expresses your (& dh's) delight in the gift that she gave you.  Mention that you didn't know that lingerie like this existed, and offer many thanks to her for showing you what was out there on the market.  Tell her that you wish her and her dh many hours of pleasure in her new undies (just as you had with your dh).
Worst gift:
My MIL has always given me some nice gifts, but I do not understand what had gotten into her.  I received 2 bottles of perfume from the dollar store.  To make matters worse, they smell so bad that I bet she would never wear them.
        signed - Smelling Bad!

Worst gift:
I've been with my husband for nearly 13 years (married for 5 of those), and in all that time, I never drank coffee.  I'm just not a coffee drinker, and my MIL knows this ... or so I thought.  For the last couple of years, on our anniversary and on Christmas, the gift of choice for us has been a selection of specialty coffees.  The last set looked like it had been given to MIL last Christmas.  The boxes were ratty looking, etc.  She's just a thoughtless person, I guess.
        signed - No More Coffee Please!

RESPONSE:  No More Coffee Please!
My mother in law bought me nice gifts (clothes) the first year, and then after that it was a set of pots and pans.  She said, "I don't know what size you are now," and, by the way, she must weigh 300 lbs.  She was always critical of other people.  What a joke she was.
RESPONSE:  No More Coffee Please!
Maybe you should stick to the old "an eye for an eye rule".  Give her something that she'll hate.  They usually hate you being nice to them.  Try being nice to her, then she'll think that you are up to something and dare not disturb you ever again.
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