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Worst gift:
For Christmas last year our gift was ground beef, which was an ok gift until I found out that half of it was over nine months old!!
        signed - Nine Months No Good For This Baby

RESPONSE:  Nine Months No Good For This Baby
That sucks!
RESPONSE:  Nine Months No Good For This Baby
Eew!  Are you sure she's not trying to kill you?
Worst gift:
Damn.  I thought my gift of a bent toothbrush and a cheap dollar store purchase of trash bags was symbolic.  Who are these people, and just what the hell are they thinking of?  Do they think that these cheap gifts would not raise an eyebrow?  Don't they think that these cheap gifts send the "Unspoken words of HATE!!"  My MIL is a heathen bitch that Dante would not even want in his story!!  She enrages me, and it is time to fight back!!!  My final words to her will be, "I will p*** right on your dead body, and then what will you do?!!"
        signed - Trash Bags Were Symbolic?

Worst gift:
This isn't a joke. It really happened to me last year.  You know those water filter pitchers?  If you buy one, you get a free "travel filter", which is actually just the filter component that you place onto a drinking glass.  This freebie came in a box marked "FREE GIFT NOT FOR RESALE."  You guessed it, she wrapped that box up for me for Christmas.
        signed - Should I Laugh Or Cry?

Worst gift:
MIL gave me a cookbook from a popular weight management program for Christmas one year.  She is extremely obese (300+ pounds I think) and I was not that much overweight - right at the top of where someone my height is supposed to be.
        signed - Not that fat either.

Worst gift:
My husband and I went to his parent's house for Christmas Day.  My MIL and FIL bought lots of presents for my SIL, BIL, and all their children.  They gave us a check in a card.  Usually they give us a gift certificate for a local restaurant that we enjoy, but this year they didn't even bother to do that.  It's not the present, it's the thought that really counts.
        signed - Feeling Left Out

RESPONSE:  Feeling Left Out
I can totally relate to just getting a check for a gift.  Some people wouldn't complain, but after a while it started bothering me to just get a check on my birthday.  I would rather receive a little trinket or something.  Something that my MIL actually had to take a little time to pick out, rather than just writing a $20 check and sticking it in a card.  Too bad you didn't get a gift certificate like usual.  Look at it this way ... I guess you can choose yourself which restaurant to go to this year. J
Worst gift:
My mother once received a toilet unblocker (you know - with the rubber end) from her SIL's family for her birthday!
        signed - A Toilet Unblocker

She should have said, "Thanks, I'll think of you every time I use it!"
Worst gift:
For my 26th birthday, my m.i.l bought me two silver Christmas type trees, about the size of a pencil in height.  She didn't wrap them, and she left the price tag on the box too!  For Christmas she bought my husband and I a pink ottoman for putting bedding in - very exciting!  She always gives me crap present and my husband always buys her good ones.
        signed - She Bought Us A Pink Ottoman

RESPONSE:  She Bought Us A Pink Ottoman
I think those are lame gifts, but at least thoughtful, and she didn't give you a plunger!  Or a half eaten box of candy.  I guess we need to count our blessings when we think something is just a little bad, we should think that they could be so much worse.
RESPONSE:  She Bought Us A Pink Ottoman
I sympathize -- What is with this price tag bit???  My MIL, too, leaves price tags on EVERYTHING she has ever given me - which all has been under $40 over 17 years - not that I care about price - but she obviously does ...  I got underwear from her one Xmas (with the price tag of course) because she said she looked through my panty drawer on her last visit and noticed all I had were those, "uncomfortable and stained bikini panties," so she bought me some rather large briefs (which cost $2.99 per pair at a department store, according to the price tag) ...  My husband and I still laugh about that one ...  Then, one year, I got a USED PERFUME BOTTLE from her - there was still perfume in it - she said that she was giving it to me because a friend had given it to her, and it made her sick since she was allergic to cheap perfume!!!!  Of course, my husband gets power tools and computer accessories WITHOUT price tags attached.  The kids all get dime-store"treats", like plastic crazy straws or imitation Barbie dolls (at least she leaves the price tags off) ...  I finally asked her to STOP sending me any gifts because I found them insulting ... of course, she still sends them.   I give them to charity - AFTER I remove the price tags!!  Thanks
Worst gift:
My mother-in-law is so cheap that the first year at Xmas she bought me an old hand held adding machine, with pencil attached.  She got this at a garage sale for a nickel.  The price tag was Still attached.  The second year, at Xmas, she got me a ceramic Bible (chipped) made for celebration of 50 years of marriage.  At another garage sale (this was my second year of marriage)
        signed - MIL Bought Gift For A Nickel

RESPONSE:  MIL Bought Gift For A Nickel
One is tempted to save the odd item until next Xmas ... wrap it and cheerfully present it to MIL.
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